When B.K. Became Grandma Lady it was really an April Fools joke that stuck :). We had an all church work day the first Saturday of the month of Easter every year. This year (1994, I think), that Saturday fell on April first. J.T. and I had a great time wondering around (between tasks) being sweet, and greeting people with smiles… they just knew we were up to something… the best April Fools ever, we didn't do anything, yet we got response from everyone :). Well B.K. was there that day and we thought it would be fun to see what her reaction would be if we called her grandma… and we could get away with not coming off as rude if we did it that day, with a laugh, since it was April Fools. :). So we went for it. She seemed a little taken back by it- didn't expect it and to our surprise her daughter was visiting from Oregon, and looked like she didn't know what to think. We all laughed in the moment, but later at home on the phone J.T. and I were a little worried that we may have offended B.K. So we decided we would go apologize first thing the next morning. We found B.K. In the sanctuary before Sunday School, and as we walked up to her she opened her arms wide and said,"Good morning, Granddaughters!" LOL. J.T. and I looked at each other, laughed and gave our new grandma a hug! She was my Grandma Lady from then on.


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