Grandma Lady knew my plan was to quit work two weeks before the wedding and just focus on the last minute stuff… but by the end of Febraury she was starting to worry that I might not make it. My headaches were bad! Lasting longer and longer all the time and hurting worse and worse… I remember asking Brad if I could borrow a gun for a moment because if I could get something in to that most painful spot… maybe it would help. Not rational thinking… a bullet might have relieved my pain, but it wouldn't have given me the outcome I was looking for. Anyway. They were BAD, and the grandmother in her was worried, so she offered to let me come back, to quit my job three weeks early, and come back to their house rent-free and just relax and do nothing until the wedding. I jumped at it!! Maybe too quickly, I think I may have hurt the feelings of the wife of the people I was staying with. I was desperate to get a break from my headaches, and I knew out at the Ks I had had that relief.
The day I moved back, my headache started to lift as soon as I got there, and by bedtime it was gone and I didn't have another headache until I moved back into town after the wedding ("It's the Climate!", I guess).
Our wedding was unique. We wanted to include the teens (because Brad was the youth pastor), and some of our closest friends are a few decades older than we are, so the ages of the people in our wedding party ranged from 16-63! Not including mother of the groom or "grandparents" of the bride.


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