The trailer wasn't ours, we were on the church's property… not exactly a stable environment for a homestudy. So that got put on hold. We expected to be in the trailer for about 12 weeks, but there were complications. The lot wouldn't fit the house plan the builder agreed to build on it. So we agreed to go two story. Still the house wouldn't fit. He told is the problem was an electrical box (for the whole neighborhood) we could either unsigned the contract and resign for a different house in a different location, or we could wait three more months for our house (that was three months in waiting and ground still hadn't been broken. When I discovered he was trying to get us to get a smaller house than we originally agreed to for the same money, I decided I could wait indefinitely. He didn't want to have to pay the electric company to move that box, so he made another offer for a house in another subdivision. These houses were compare-able in size to the one he agreed to build originally, but the housing market had boomed, so they were more than we had agreed to pay, but our price had been set five months before. At first there weren't any houses I liked… I have a mirror and a piano that need a wall big enough fir them and I need a wall for my hutch in the dining room… and I want my living room facing the street, so I can watch the neighbors and put my Christmas tree in the window for everyone to enjoy :). Nothing we saw fit my requirements… I am not picky, just spoiled! Then Brad noticed he missed a house on the list. He talked me onto going (reluctantly) to see it. With a few minor modifications I decided it could work.


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