The following March the Parent-type-people came for a visit and Mom-Lady went to a ladies Bible conference with our church in Portland. We went to the mall while we were there and found two really great deals on jumpers with matching tops, of course we bought them… we dressed alike both days, and of course were teased a little for it (in good fun, nothing mean), then the Gs went on to Washington to visit her brother. When they came back thru and went to church with us… she was told they didn't recognize her because we were not dressed the same! LOL. Anyway. During that visit Mom G. Shared about this nutritional product that she had heard about. It sounded too good to be true. It had helped fix any and every problem from Alzheimers to wrinkles… a glyconutrient?? When she told us about it, she hadn't tried it yet, but was going to start on it as soon as they got home. Brad was convinced it was a scam, but I was courious… if it could help with the fibromyalgia just a little, maybe I could do more than barely exist.

We went down to YV for Mother's Day… it had been six weeks since we saw them the time before. I could not believe my eyes! This lady who moved as slow as I did six weeks ago was leaving me behind in her dust!! She was doing things I never saw her do before (because she couldn't!), I was in awe! She said it was the Mannatech… I was sold! But selling Brad would be a whole other issue, he didn't really notice much difference. So she gave me a months supply of the stuff…


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