
She is my friend. I miss her smile her laugh…
She told me once she didn't understand what she ever did to acquire me as a friend. She really didn't do anything, but be a friend to me. She always had a smile and a hug. She had a listening ear and more than that she shared herself, stories of her life, experiences… thankful reminiscences of the way life happened and how God always provided and guided her way…
She invited me to sit with her sometimes in church. And was glad to have me join the 60+ class on outings and ride with her…
She didn't necessarily agree with the strict standards of conformity that some in our church held to, yet and had the ability to laugh off the differences and still accept and love others even if they didn't agree with her…
I saw a realness. She was who she was, comfortable with herself, and wasn't about to change simply to please those around her.
What an amazing thing! To be so confident in Lord, to be so sure of who He wants you to be and do that you're not worried about what others think…
She was (is) beautiful, and full of class…so much better than me, but so much the kind of person I wanted to be like (a thought you will hear me say about many!)…sweet, caring, confident, not afraid to do what needed to be done, willing to follow the Lords direction… willing to befriend a confused, hurting, misguided teenager…
There weren't as many hours outside of church or church activities invested in my life as some, but there were many hours spent visiting on telephone, and she always appreciated a letter whenever I was out of town… like she missed me when I wasn't there.
Every time I returned to YV after leaving home one of my highest priorities was a visit to MY Mrs. A…
She rejoiced in every good thing the Lord gave me. I am convinced she not only loves me, but she prayed for me always. The last time I visited her was truly a blessing… my T woke up sick that morning, so Brad and the kids stayed home with the Parent-type-people, and I went to see her alone. We sat and visited for three and a half hours, it passed like minutes! We talked about everything remembering good times, sharing about hard times, considering things to come… was a beautiful memory all it's own…
Just (I think) a week later she had a pretty significant stroke and is now living with her son… I know I will probably never see her again this side of Heaven… but I will see her again!
God is SO good… He blessed me with the privilege of knowing such a dear, sweet, godly lady and he gave me an awesome last memory to carry with me until we meet again…


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