After T was born it took me a while still to believe it was really real that WE had a baby! He was two weeks old and it all of a sudden hit me…" he needs me for everything". Whoa. What a responsibility! How did I of all people earn such a privilege? And how was I going to meet the challenge?? God in His goodness quickly reminded me "For with Christ nothing shall be impossible" (interestingly that was the first Bible verse he memorized in Sunday school!)
Our church family was a blessing, the first five days after T was born, different ladies brought us dinner. After that I still didn't have to cook for close to three months! Two of the ladies in our church, for a baby shower gift, gave us 30 frozen meals. Most of those meals actually gave us two dinners and me a lunch, plus Brad cooked pretty regularly on his day off… this person who really doesn't care to cook got very spoiled :)
Those same two ladies also took it upon themselves to insist on helping me with my housework. They came once a week for several months and dusted and vacuumed and mopped my floors. Was very nice!
We did really good keeping T from having much sugar his first year, but…
His first taste of ice cream was DQ ice cream cake at a church function. It was fed to him by his uncle who returned T to me then left for home. T had had some slight reactions to dairy products when they touched his skin. We were told to not worry about it, just wash it off. Well he started to breakout after his uncle and family left. The outbreak looked different than before, but I didn't think a whole lot about it at first, I took him to the nursery and washed his face, but it kept getting worse! That was not normal! So I went back to the kitchen and flagged down Brad and showed him the baby. We hurried to the church office (when Brad hurries, I start to worry lol), where he called the doctor. They said since it seemed to be calming down, to keep an eye on him and they were going to give us a prescription for benedryl and a steroid for T to take for a few days. It was DQ ice cream cake! We assumed he was allergic to milk… we were wrong :)


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