We also found out that the chronic eczema that T had as an infant was probably caused by a reaction to peanut butter in my diet coming to him through breast milk. I lived on PB&J when nursing him… yummy! I still miss peanut butter :(
We were told he would probably outgrow the milk and soy allergies by the time he was two (which he did), the peanut allergy was only a 10% chance of being outgrown, but because he did not have the respiratory reaction he had a higher chance of being part of that 10%.
We have discovered some good substitutes, but we miss peanut butter!

When T was about 11 months old, my mother, uncle and grandmother came to visit. My grandmother decided to announce she was coming to see her great-grandson, and she was bringing her daughter to see her first grandchild because if "I don't see to it, it will never happen!"… she is probably right, but that was hardly her sole motivation.
My mother and I (&Brad) got along fine (she stayed at our house and we had mo problem, we avoided ONE certain issue, but had no problems)… when grandma was around, she was loud and rude, obnoxious.
She insisted on taking us to dinner on Wednesday night before church. Grandma asked my uncle to share a story about his ancestor (an interesting story…), but less than half way through, she started interrupting and yelling at him that we didn't need to hear the whole story after all. Then a couple from our church stopped by the table and said hi to everyone, but spent the most time playing with T. Grandma's reaction," children who get too much attention end up spoiled". When we left the restaurant, Brad left me my mother and grandmother alone in the van while he went back inside to talk to my uncle. As soon as he was out of sight grandma started in yelling at me and my mother, with Thomas in the vehicle looking confused. I wasn't going to take any more, especially when I didn't know what or for how long T would remember. So, I went in to the restaurant and told Brad to do something. So he had my uncle take grandma with him and the rest of us went to church (which might have been grandma's goal-to not go to church).
Then the next night they all joined us for dinner at our house. The meal was OK, then came the visiting time. Grandma sat at the head of our dining room table and started in. She belittled and insulted everyone in the room (except Brad), to the point Brad asked her to stop her form of conversation or leave. Yes, Brad kicked my grandma out of our house. It made me thankful that he could/would stand up to her on my behalf-no one else ever dared to do that!


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