I am not really sure how to do what I want to do here… I want to recognize God's use of people in my life with the understanding it is Him in and through them (even if they are not "His"- He can and does use the unsaved for His purposes too), not so much them and who or what or how great they are. I learned long ago even our heroes can fall from their pedestals, only God is great and mighty and He does great things through the inadequate and weak. I was thinking about trying to do this in a chronological order, but too many over lap and is difficult then to sort it all out, so I have decided to start with the one who is on my heart today… and let God lead me through the many others in the same way…All of "my people" pass through my heart and mind almost daily… I am so thankful for them all! So many have gone to be with the Lord, many are still here and though I don't write or call like I should, I see most of them on Facebook, and I pray for them all regularly. I miss those who live in different states and towns, and I grab and enjoy every opportunity I have to spend time with them. There are some reading who may not realize they fall into this category… if you recognize yourself in a "story" praise God for 1) being such a blessing and 2) for getting to find out… we don't always get to know we have such a great impact on a life…
It is important to realize (preaching to myself) how we live our life from day to day speaks volumes to those we encounter even if we don't know it.


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