Brad was able to take a week off with the arrival of each of our children. Which was nice…gave me the ability to rest as much as possible and gave him more opportunity to bond with them.
Brad's project when he returned to work after BK was born was to build a utility trailer for the church. A nice thing because he was building at the house, so even though he was back at work, he was still at home.
On his first day officially back at work Brad was in the garage working, the kids were sleeping and I decided it was a good time to shower and dress so I went into the bedroom. I heard the drill Brad was using stop suddenly and he made a noise… couldn't tell what it was, maybe he made a mistake or something and was upset, or maybe he forgot something… but whatever I didn't think much of it. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. "Grumble, grumble, grumble… couldn't Brad have talked to whoever it is?". It was Brad,"I need to take myself to the ER." he said as he showed me a very crooked finger, bent totally in a way fingers are not supposed to bend!
He went and found out that he broke it through the knuckle and the tiny "piece" that was broken off was broken into FIVE pieces!! Surgery had to be done to fix it and the closest doctor able to fix it was in Ashland, an hour south of here...
It took two surgeries and nine months of physical therapy to fix it as good as it is going to get.
Brad's injury made things a little more difficult, because I had no help… postpartum fatigue and hormone fluctuations… life was an adventure…


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