SP. What a special lady. I've known her all my life. I was 4 months old when my mother moved us to CA, and almost right away started attending the same church as SP and her family.

I remember church dinners at her house, and I know she had me over to her home sometimes to play with her daughter. The worst nightmare I remember came from sleeping on her couch, while her son (who was babysitting me) watched a National Geographic documentary on fire ants. I woke up at home dreaming those ants were all over me!! 
I remember her always being kind, and quiet. Her family was always at everything our church did, and she was always busy, involved in helping things get done.
When another lady in the church introduced my mother to my step-father, and the interim pastor disapproved of their living arrangements, we left that church. In the moment, I don't know that it bothered me a whole lot, but a few months later I had decided I wasn't going to church unless we went back to CCC. In 1992, my stepfather, finished his course in phlebotomy, and got a job at a hospital in a place called Joshua Tree. They surprised me when I got home the last day of school (11th grade) with the news that we were moving to some place called Yucca Valley. I wasn't happy. As an appeasement, since her husband went to Yucca Valley to find us a place to live, my mother was willing to visit CCC for the last few Sundays before we moved. That was the only good part about moving, getting to see everybody again.
SP and her family were still at the church, but don't remember much, other than now that her daughter and I were in the Youth group, our class was now bigger than 3 kids. 😊
When we left Tujunga, I was pretty certain I would never see any of the people in that town ever again.
Over the next 20 years, my life took some interesting twists and turns (if you have read this blog, you know most of it). 
Then, about 10 years ago, this thing called Facebook entered my life. ☺ I don't even remember who it was from CCC that I found first on Facebook, but one person lead to another, and one day I saw SP comment on someone else's post!! And we became Facebook friends. (I really have appreciated the opportunity to reconnect with the many people I probably never would have if Facebook had never existed)
One magical day, she shared a picture of the mountains surrounding her city, I knew those mountains!! I told her "I know those mountains! We drive past them a couple times a year!" After a few more messages, on my next trip south, we stopped to see SP and her husband. It had been close to 25 years since I had seen them. What a bleasing to be reunited, and welcomed back into their lives. After that first visit, every time we came to CA we stopped and spent a night or two with them each direction.
When my life hit rough waters 5 years ago SP became one of my confidants and spent much time talking and listening to me as I tried to process what was happening in my life, and what direction God would have me take. 
She was convinced I was home to stay 4 years ago, before I was. And she has been one of the biggest blessings to my life since returning home to CA.
Her honesty, though sometimes blunt, is my favorite thing about her. If she agrees, fine. If she doesn't, well, she loves me enough to say so, and explain why. If I take her advice, she's happy. If I don't, she's not happy, but that doesn't diminish her love towards me, or harm our friendship. 
Yet another example of unconditional love in my life.
She has provided for me a second home away from home (yes, I have 2, lol--I am blessed). The kids and I escape to her home at least a couple times a year to just veggitate. During the first year or two we were back, the kids and I went to see her every 6-8 weeks! A place away from home to shutdown, rest, and just stare at the tv. The kids love the endless television at her house (because their mother refuses to own one). I love our long, honest conversations, if only we could manage to have them before the middle of the night. LoL
 I am so thankful for my dear friend. Her love and support through some of the darkest times of my life, means more to me than she can ever know because I don't have the words to express it fully. 


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