Christmas 2018

This Christmas season passed so quickly.

As I sit, now by my tree in the quiet living room, kids in bed on Christmas night. Presents opened and put away, dinner enjoyed and guests gone home, dishes washed and leftovers put away.  I am content.

My new home has new memories that have been made. This is the first Christmas I have hosted in three years, and the first one I did all by myself (okay, the kids helped A LOT).

Having my home filled with friends that are as dear as family made my Christmas feel like Christmas.

I enjoy watching my children open their gifts, and I am always thankful for any gifts I receive, but the table at dinner...

Listening to stories, and sharing in the lives of those who may have been alone today-- that's my favorite part of Christmas.

Tonight as I left my children watching Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas videos, to go have a ham sandwich at the dinning room table alone. I thought," I love this". Sitting alone, in the quiet, the tree lit in the next room, with the memories of the day flashing through my mind-- I am so blessed. 

Tonight for the first time, possibly ever, I don't have any "Christmas blues". I was a little worried, because I knew everyone would be leaving at the same time (all but one arrived in the same car), and even though in years past the party would last until late at night, I always was sad to see the last person leave. And though I wasn't glad to see my guests leave today, I wasn't sad either, I was thankful to have been able to minister to them.

I know I have grown and changed so much in the last three years, maybe that's why I feel like I do, I don't know. But if I could pause time, I would, and I would enjoy this evening for a very long time.

I can't wait for next Christmas!!!
As the Chipmunks sing,"Hurry Christmas, hurry fast..."


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