blogging again.

I think I am going to do it.  No promises, but I think I will give it a shot.  But you will have to go find it and subscribe to that one in order to know when there is a new posting.  I am not going to post links to the new one on Facebook like I have with all the rest. The new one is a little more private.  I want the story out there for:
1. Those who have questions, but don't want to ask.
2. Those who may be in a similar place and need encouragement to understand the truth about themselves, that I took 40 years to learn
3. My own healing and processing of all I have been through over the last 20 years.

There is no intent to harm anyone's reputation or to "villain-ize" anyone in the eyes of those who may love or admire them. Nothing is all one person's fault, we all make choices. Some with full knowledge of what is going on and some in ignorance of our situation.

There is much hurt in all our lives at this moment, and it will remain for a long time, and some of that pain may never fade completely.

There are three sides to every story, the new blog, is MY perspective, that does not mean it is 100% RIGHT, it means it is how I see (or saw) it, how I remember living it. And sharing it is primarily for me and my healing, if you read it, it is NOT root, or reference for gossip. Please, DO NOT USE WHAT IS SAID TO DIMINISH ANYONE'S CHARACTER no matter how much you think they deserve it. THAT IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF THE BLOG.

I intend to be careful to be kind and respectful of anyone mentioned in the blog, and as I have done with this blog, I will not use names, though I will likely use true initials (assigning fake identities to real people would simply confuse me!)

If you want to find the new blog you can find it here  (titled  What Happened?), or you can PM or text me and I will walk you through how to find it or send you a link to the latest post.  After that, like I said you will need to subscribe to that blog to find out if/when I have posted again.

Reasons number 2 & (mostly) 3 are the most important reasons to me, and those in group #2 will find it if they are meant to (God can!!) when they search for answers to their questions.

Some may ask, if it is really at all about #3, why post it publicly?  So I can tell someone, without telling anyone. Sometimes we need to admit the truth of our lives, but we don't really want to actually say it to someone in particular. There is a level of vulnerability that is hard to give in to face to face, but that same vulnerability can be realized through the anonymity of  the internet. I know I am sharing this with the world. I know anyone of the over 200 Facebook contacts I have can be reading it, but I don't know who or when or if anyone has or will read it.  I don't have to worry if you really want to hear all this drama, but you can choose to read it if you are truly interested in my history.  And if you want to know more, you can always come to me and ask.  It kind of unlocks the door, so anyone who wants to can come in.

I don't even know how much or how long I will write.  When I try to think about it, it seems like there is so little to share or that it may be hard to really explain it all in a way that makes sense.  I may not be able to do it all right now. But I feel like I need to try, if only to uncover and repair some of my own damage.

Please pray for me as I write the new blog. Pray that it honors God. That it is truthful and factual. And that it happens in God's timing and fulfills His purpose.  It is not something I am excited to do, but I feel like I should do it.  But I want it in His time and according to His will.

(since I wrote this, I have made several entries on the new blog. How much and how often I can write, depends totally on how the Lord leads)


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