family trip
They wanted a road trip with Mom. So I granted their wish. There was a lot of anxiety involved. I wasn't sure how I would handle doing all they wanted me to do. But I did it, with more grace than I have. God worked amazing miracles. He is so good.
It was an amazing week. Filled with favorite places, foods, activities and people. But better than that was the attitudes of my teenagers. They got along with each other, I noticed zero bad attitudes, they weren't greedy or opportunistic. We just had a great time and enjoyed everything.
Thursday on the way to GP, we stopped and saw Crater Lake ❤️, one of my most favorite places. Then we saw some dear to our heart friends. We got in to the Airbnb early enough to make a frozen pizza, and cookies and brownies for the week. Thomas invited a friend over for a couple hours, and Barbara and I shared some crab 😋. To my shock and awe, the cookies and brownies lasted the week with some leftover. Amazing!! Barbara got hé first taste of Anne of Green Gables...
Friday we got up early, went to see their dad. He was friendly and in a good mood. They visited for a few minutes, then decided to have him play the piano for a while. Other residents seemed to enjoy his piano music as much as we did. From there we went "home" and had tomato sandwich, with tomato from the garden in the front yard. Then we left again to visit my Patricia ☺️. After a couple hours with her we went home again and then over to our former neighbors' for BBQ and a game of corn hole. Then home again for sleep and more AGG. Barbara brought her blanket to the living room, because she didn't want to miss any of the movie.
Saturday we visited our Dear Diane in the morning, stopped by the music store where the kids used to get piano lessons, the Soda Fountain, lunch at TapRock, then attempted a visit to our Sweet Shirley Killian, but she was asleep. Then across the way to our wonderful Virginia. Always encouraging and full of love and laughter. Then dinner at Wild River pizza, SO good!
On Sunday I dropped the kids off at church, and went back to visit Patricia again (one visit never seems to be enough). Then I picked up the kids, and Mexican was the order for lunch! And after lunch an amazing time on the river with Hellgate Jet Boat Excursions ❤️❤️❤️.
And Monday it ended with dropping the kids off at church so they can spend the week helping with VBS. I collected a few hugs. And started for home.
It was the most vacation--like vacation I think I have ever had. It was relaxed. We did a lot, but we were never rushed. Dutch Bros everyday! 😋😋😋
Not a trip I want to hurry and do again, but it was a lot of fun and we made some great memories.
So thankful for the way God orchestrated things, encounters and avoidances of people we wanted and didn't want to see. He is SO good.
I'm thankful for teens who are not only are a pleasure to be with, but also want to hang out with Mom! How often does that happen.
I am blessed!
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