seeing His sovereignty

November felt like a year all by itself. And the last 10 days, like 6 months. The month was too busy to begin with.  Crammed with work, doctor and dentist appointments for all 5 of us. Mom's surgery taking a full week by itself just because of the distance from home and pre-op and other preparations.

But God is so good! He knew what was coming and He knew the perfect circumstances for His plans for what was about to happen. 

Mom's surgery was supposed to be the end of September, but she got a cold. The medical staff decided it would be best if the surgery was postponed until November. We were all a little unhappy about that because we were all set for it to happen in September.  But whatever. We've learned to roll with unexpected changes...

The kids were able to go to Oregon for a teen conference with their dad's church, and I suggested the kids stay through Sunday and come home Monday, giving them opportunity to visit with their dad, an extra unplanned visit--good for all of them.

The Plan: 
Kids come home Monday. 
Mom's pre-op on Tuesday. 
Kids move in with grandpa on Wednesday, and Mom goes with me to my doctor appointment, then we set off for Loma Linda.
Mom's surgery on Thursday. 
Mom and I return on Friday. 
Life returns to "normal" as she heals from her simple laproscopic surgery at home over the next few days/weeks. 

What really happened:
Monday, the kids' flight was delayed,  and we got home at 9pm. And Barbara was sick.
Tuesday, at the pre-op appointment we catch wind that she might be expected to stay more than one night.
Wednesday, Barbara was too sick to stay with grandpa, so she stayed home alone. And only Thomas went to stay with grandpa. Otherwise, the day went as planned 🙂.
Thursday, the doctor had an emergency surgery, so Mom's got pushed later in the day, her blood pressure went way high (220/105), and they had to get it down before they could do anything.  But they finally were able to do it early afternoon. And we waited all evening for them to get her up and walking. Finally about 7pm, I asked if I could walk her, and they said "absolutely!". Three times down the hall before I left at 8:30.

Friday, she was way too painful to even consider going home. But we walked the halls as much as she could, and by evening we were confident we could take her home, if they'd let her. Her blood pressure was good. But the food was nasty and she wouldn't eat it.

Saturday, the doctor said,"Drink this 16oz water in under 2 hours and EAT, and you can go home." She drank her water, and ate most of her breakfast.  We called Thomas to get the turkey out of the freezer. And shortly after I got a text saying he wasn't supposed to tell us, but grandpa fell. About an hour later I get another text saying grandpa thought it might be a good idea to get x-rays to make sure nothing was broken. Mom had had time to think and pray and decide what she thought was the best thing to do. So she had me instruct Thomas to call our Pastor and have him take Dad to the hospital associated with their doctors. Farthest of the 3 closest hospitals to their home, and certainly not where the ambulance would take him if 911 had been called.
Pastor said he was done with his preparation for Sunday, and he stayed with Dad at the hospital until almost 9pm.
Once Mom heard of Dad's fall her blood pressure went sky high. We explained to the doctor and nurses why her BP spiked, and they worked hard to get it down. As soon as it hit an acceptable level, they sent us home! I got her home about 9pm. 
Then I had to go to my house, break the news to Barbara and returned to Mom's by 10pm. 

Sunday the kids got a ride to church from Pastor, and I went to the hospital to visit with Dad before his surgery.  The hospital dropped the ball with communication with me, but the surgery went well. 

Monday he breezed through the therapy at the hospital and they moved him to an acute rehabilitation hospital (without family knowledge or concent). We were shocked and I got to the new facility literally 5 minutes before visiting hours officially ended, thankfully they let me stay after hours. 

It was a crazy week, and the week following has been full and busy with keeping up with everyone and everything.  But there have been moments; time to pause and reflect on how things could have been different. 

If Mom's surgery had been in September as originally planned,  she would have been fixing breakfast when Dad fell, and she would have seen it. She would have had a completely different, panic induced reaction and Dad would have ended up in different hospitals with a completely different, not as good treatment outcome.

If Barbara had been at the house with Thomas and Dad. The kids would have ended up bickering about what was right to do. She admits that she would've encouraged Thomas to keep grandpa's request to wait until we got home. Or she would have pushed to call 911. Either or both would have lead to different out comes, not as good as what we have had.  

It's not the way we want things to be, but we're able to see His hand and we KNOW His way is not only best, but perfect.  And as we look at these details it gives us the confidence to rest in Him and trust that the right and best outcome will happen for our good and His glory.  

Please continue to pray for us all. He is not out of the woods. Statistics are not in Dad's favor for at least the next 6 months, but slow and steady improvement seems to be the way he is going. 

But prayer is the most important thing for us all right now. Healing for both Mom and Dad. Strength and stamina for me. Grace and understanding for the kids as they are forced to help bear my load... my kids are amazing young people.


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