I am reading this book for the second time right now, and will most likely start it for the third time as soon as I finish it, and then I might read it again!!

I have had this book in my possession for at least 10 years, actually I somehow ended up with two copies of it, which I never read until about a year ago.  I was so fascinated with the first reading that I loaned the other copy to the Mom. She has claimed it and assured me I will not get it back. 🤣😂🤣

It is a fascinating and different perspective on the person of Jesus Christ. Of his humanness. Though it is a little difficult to get in to at first, it gives an amazing new dimension to the idea of "Relationship vs. Religion". We both just love the book, and the depth of personality and perspective the book gives on who Jesus was and is and how we can relate to him, without the need for rules and propriety, but just as we are. 

Yesterday, as we were diving down the freeway heading for home, after a doctor's appointment more than an hour away, we were discussing this book. The part I am reading now suggests telling Jesus "I love you", verbalize it (I usually whisper, but... yeah). I was telling her how on my trip to the airport (LAX) to get the kids, I was reminded of this idea. So driving in LA morning rush hour going 20 in a 60 zone because of traffic,  I told Jesus "I love You" repeatedly (40 minutes to go 18 miles! There is a reason to NOT live in LA!). Then I got to LAX, and had to find my way to to the parking structure near my kids' airline ("I love You, Jesus... Oh, and I didn't even think to pray about parking. A spot that will be easy to find later would be wonderful! This place is crazy, but I love You!"). I get to the parking garage, and somehow find myself on the top level, with a spot six feet from the elevator, directly across the street from where I need to go to check in to go get my kids!! ("I love you, Jesus! Thank you!!)
He is SO good to me!!
Anyway, I told the Mom this story, then we talked more about how the author of this book encourages the looking for the little things: sunsets, sunrises, the rain, birds, flowers, the laughter of our friends and family, the things we take for granted, or the things we might miss if we aren't looking on purpose... then the coolest thing!! As we are nearing an underpass, we look up and there hanging from the bridge railing is two hearts side by side touching at the top of each heart to make one piece, and in the middle, one word: Jesus. 

We were both amazed! And we both said "I love You, Jesus! Thank You!" 
Then to each other: 
"How cool is that!"
"Right! Only He would know we would be talking about loving Him as we drove under that!"

We might not have even noticed that on another day.  It certainly wouldn't have spoken to us like it did. That is such a small thing, but what a little detail for just us, on a stressful day. A little reminder that He loves us and not only sees us, but knows when and where we will be passing by, so He can leave us a note!! Wow!

He loves us, we are His. He wants our time, our attention, but He also wants to give us His company; He wants us to know He is with us always, He cares about our details...

When we pay attention, there is no doubt that He is, and He is present, He is interested, He loves us like nobody else can or will.

Life can be so heavy, so hard... but God. He knows, He cares so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to live perfect and die and rise again, to pay our sin-debt, not only so we can be forgiven and go to Heaven, but also so we don't have to endure this life alone.

My prayer for you is if you don't already know Jesus as your personal Savior, and friend, that you will repent and submit your life to Him. 

If you view Him as your Savior, but too holy, or too good, or too wonderful to be your friend. I pray you will get to know Him better. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)  

Friends. A friend that sticks closer than a brother!

He is the BEST friend you will ever have! 

I love you, Jesus!!


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