26 years ago, today

It's amazing how I can remember so much about one day 26 years ago, but I can't remember what happened two days ago...

Today, 26 years ago, I met so many people who changed my life completely. If you had told me how important the choice to go to THAT church, THAT morning was, I would have told you (in my most sarcastic teenager voice) that you were crazy and that I was only going the one time because my mother was too chicken to go by herself.

The first thing I remember is meeting the lady who gave us a ride to church. She was only expecting to pick up our neighbor lady, and instead she had her plus two. And one of those (me) was a snotty teen, with a chip on her shoulder about Baptists. And I am pretty sure she could tell by looking.  I could tell she wasn't thrilled by the surprise of extra people, but she was pleasant (I think our minds have been linked from that moment, it is sometimes scary how alike we think). I do think I remember her saying something about us being lucky she had room for all of us.

If you had told us in that moment that she was going to be my best friend and adopted Mom one day, we both would have laughed you to scorn. But God...

I spent the day watching, observing, trying to figure out who the hypocrites were and weren't.

I sized up the choir, and had a "hunch" about one lady. She ended up being one of the biggest and best influences in my life.

Actually, several of the ladies in that choir made a difference in my life. I remember judging every person in that choir loft, and trying to decide how many of them were hypocrites. (Praise the Lord I didn't find any to be fakes)

The memory that stands out the most is the sweet lady, that I don't remember seeing ever again after that Sunday. During the greeting time that always happened when the choir was dismissed, this lady, who was wearing a gray hat with a net veil, walked toward me with the look of "it's been so long since you've been here, welcome home" on her face.  I was taken back by it. It had been years since I had been in church, but I had never been to THAT or any church in that town, ever.   I just hope she welcomes me the same way when I get to Heaven, so I can share with her the difference she made. 

That Sunday so long ago, was the most significant direction change in my life. I often tell people God got me back in church that day, and never let me go again. So thankful.

Twenty-six years ago. I was about to start my senior year of high school. It seems sooo long ago, and seems to have gone by sooo fast.

I can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't been introduced to "Calvary Baptist Church, in beautiful Yucca Valley".  My life certainly hasn't turned out the way I expected, but Calvary Baptist Church is one of the best blessings I ever received.

Because of Calvary, I have "parents", "aunts", "uncles", "grandparents" (for me and my children), "siblings", "cousins"... I have family, a family I never would have had otherwise. I have experienced the amazingness of unconditional love and the reality of true adoption (the biblical concept).

In fact, I never would have moved to Oregon. I wouldn't have known any of the dear ones I have there. I wouldn't have my children...

One Sunday, and I was never the same again.

God is so good!


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