My young childhood was, as well as I remember, not too bad. Like I said before, somehow in spite of working full time, going to college part-time, being at church twice on Sunday and again on Wednesday, being one of my Girl Scout leaders, taking me to tap & ballet classes and every thing else we did (mostly getting from place to place on the city bus!), she still had time to play.
God in His goodness and grace, knowing there were things I needed to learn, that my mom couldn't teach me because she, herself had not been taught, brought some wonderful people into my young life.
One of these ladies (R. A.), worked in the nursery at our church. She let me stay and "help" her in there after I was too old to be in there as one of the babies. She and her husband were the ones who gave us a ride to and from church most of the time. This sweet lady is the only person, who never broke a promise to me (there might be one other). The only promise she didn't keep, wasn't kept because she died… she had no control over that :). She was so sweet and gracious, loving and generous (oh, I wanna grow up to be like her!). I can still see her smile and hear her silly poems "Lola May ran away!", "Lola May is here to stay" :). She loved me, I knew it, and I still do :) She lived the love of Jesus in my life, she showed the joy of the Lord in her smile…


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