
Showing posts from August, 2023

The solitary in families

I was listening to the radio a couple of weeks ago, I enjoy a live call in program where people call to ask questions about the Bible or Christian beliefs. The mem on the program do a great job sticking with what scripture says and really do a good job of leaving their opinions out, or being clear about what is opinion and what is scripture. Anyway. I was listening in the car, as i often do, and a woman called in and said she felt like she needs to separate herself from her toxic mothe. The pastors gave her cautious counsel without really explaining what she wanted to understand -- that it is ok to walk away from anyone who is harmful to you, even if it's your mother. They did speak of the importance of forgiveness and said that anyone who is toxic or abusive should be removed from one's life. I desperately wanted to call in, but I was not able to. Hearing this call made me want to shout,"Yes! It is OK!" It is ok. I heard two different pastors on that same radio ...