God's Amazing Grace

I actually thought about writing this yesterday, but never got to it. Sixteen years ago yesterday was one of the hardest days ever of my life, and certainly the hardest to that point in my life. I was home alone, most of the people I would have turned to were gone to camp with Brad, I was pregnant... It was a beautiful summer Sunday morning in Oregon. I was up and getting ready for church. Then, the telephone rang. I answered it and it was "Aunt" Louise. She asked for Brad (sort of unusual). I told her he was gone for the week to camp, wouldn't be back until Saturday. She didn't know what else to do, so she blurted out the news. Her mother passed away that morning! It took my breath away! She was doing better! She was supposed to coming home soon! I didn't get to tell her goodbye before she left on vacation! This could not be real! Not right! (But I couldn't say any of that on the phone to Louise, or out loud to anyone!!) And I had nobody to t...