You know how you day by day and it seems your kids are always the same, then one day you look at them and notice! How did he get so tall?? When did she become young lady?? Where did that quick wit come from? Why does he suddenly think so deep? Have you ever had a moment like that about yourself?? Wow! When did that change? When did I stop that? Why did I not respond in my usual manner??? I have had a few over the last several months and I just need to praise the Lord by sharing them with you. Back in December, I was walking across the quad at the college, heading to the library for tutoring. And I suddenly realized I was walking upright, shoulders back chin up, like a person with confidence, comfortable in her own skin. (I've mentioned before that comfortable in my own skin is a very new thing, anyway). It shocked me to realize my posture. I walked watching my feet for over 30 years. Was a posture I learned in Junior High, to avoid eye contact with those who bullied a...